The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

our story

Hello and welcome. I am Tiffany, the creator behind the inspiration. I love all things crafts and Jesus. Reading through 1 Peter, Lord kept getting my attention:

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms
— 1 Peter 4:10

Creating has always been an outlet for me and a fun way to bless others. After sharing the idea with a friend, we started a craft ministry in the fall of 2013 at our church. All the while, the Lord kept nudging me to get out of the church and be the church.

The Inspire Shop was eventually born and we have been teaching Inspire Gathering creative bible studies at churches, private events and women’s home since 2017.

In 2021, my life and faith turned upside down when I experienced significant spiritual warfare (you can listen to my testimony on the Marriage in the Middle: The Dumpster Fire or Jesus in My Life: Tiffany the Realness of Spiritual Attack Podcasts).

The Roots

Creating has always been an outlet and fun way to bless others, so that was what the Lord kept bringing up as this verse rang off the page. I told Him I could not do it alone and he brought me Julie, the craftiest person I have ever known. We started a craft ministry called Pocket Blessings in the fall of 2013 at our church.

Pretty star ornaments made from paper. fabric and beads given to a local nursing home.

Pretty star ornaments made from paper. fabric and beads given to a local nursing home.

Valentine Cards given to WEAVE

Valentine Cards given to WEAVE

Christmas tree ornaments made with sticks and ribbons.

Christmas tree ornaments made with sticks and ribbons.

We made crafts that were given away to encourage people in our community: nursing homes, WEAVE, families in the NICU, homes for girls coming out of trafficking, etc. We enjoyed some snacks and I did a short bible reading devotional related to each craft.

That one time Julie and I showed up to craft practically matching.

That one time Julie and I showed up to craft practically matching.

Encouraging, friends who got crafty with me after Julie moved.

Encouraging, friends who got crafty with me after Julie moved.

Eventually, Julie moved away and the Lord brought Rachel and Christina to craft along. It was amazing delivering the crafts to different places, when we were allowed to meet the recipients, as some places were private and in undisclosed locations.

As we moved along with Pocket Blessings, God kept nudging to get out of the church to BE the church. To take the gospel message and the craft supplies to the people we were giving them to; allowing them to make it instead and getting to know them in the process. As our seasons changed, we said to good bye to Pocket Blessings in the summer of 2016.


The Idea

As we drove miles across state lines on a family road trip, listening to Bob Goff read us Love Does, a few months of prayers and promptings came to fruition. Goff spoke about the legal systems in India and human rights and trafficking. This is the part where God broke my heart for women I had yet to meet.

With my heart pounding, I knew this is what I was meant to do: equip and inspire women through crafts and the love of Jesus; the answer to getting out and being the church.

My husband and I were foster parents and adopted our two youngest children through foster care. We saw and heard first hand about generations of broken women and families. Children who entered the system usually came from families who experienced trauma at a young age and never experienced hope or healing, which created a cycle for their children.

verb / in·spire / in-ˈspī(-ə)r /
: to make (someone) want to do something : to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create
: to cause (something) to happen or be created
: to cause someone to have (a feeling or emotion)
— merriam webster

here i am, Send me

I had been praying about where we would bring the Inspire Gatherings creative bible study program as I started writing it, which was based on the short devotionals and crafts from Pocket Blessings. I had no idea where to go or which local homes we would be connecting with or what it would look like for months.

My husband was an advocate for The Forgotten Initiative, a nonprofit bringing awareness to orphan care by connecting churches and agencies. One night he came home from an event with a copy of Mercy Moves Mountains by Nancy Alcorn, the founder of Mercy Multiplied.

I had been praying and searching Google and my library for this exact book just a few weeks earlier in order to get insight from the women’s perspective and their healing process through it. This book was filled with exactly that. His booth had been next to a representative from Mercy Multiplied, a local home dedicated to helping young women break free from life-controlling behaviors and situations, and she gave him a copy.

starting to equip + inspire


I had never heard of Mercy Multiplied but after looking through Mercy’s website, they seemed like a great fit. Meeting with Kerri at the Sacramento home really confirmed that. as our programs aligned so well together. We have been bringing Inspire Gatherings there since Spring of 2017, along with other churches and homes in the area.

These days, my mama has been the backbone and support: helping with organization, volunteering at the homes, prepping and babysitting my four amazing kiddos,

My mama and me, along with some of the amazing ladies from Mercy Multiplied.

My mama and me, along with some of the amazing ladies from Mercy Multiplied in 2017.

Crafts + Jesus

Our heart for the shop is to equip and inspire women with the tools they need to seek the Lord in their life and healing, in order for them to walk out their God given identity in Christ and live in freedom. That has become my why for creating,

In 2021, my life and faith turned upside down when I experienced significant spiritual warfare (you can listen it here). As I came to recognize more of the realities and implications of spiritual warfare, everything I had been teaching in the Inspire Gathering sessions became even more real, a life line to walking in victory.

I did not know if I would ever teach again but as I walked through that dark season, God brought a deeper passion to teach and equip women scripture by combining art and neuroscience in simple ways to implement them into a daily rhythm allowing others to find the same freedom in Christ.

We Believe

We believe you are loved. We believe you are chosen. We believe you are beautiful. And we believe your smile is contagious and has the power to change someone's life.

A little inspiration and hope goes farther than we can think or imagine and we hope you find some right here. Perhaps just enough to make you smile.