The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

pocket blessings: hearts of hope ornaments

tiffany garza

Happy November! We are getting our sewing needles and thread out this month for craft night. We are cutting and hand sewing these simple but so pretty heart ornaments. A similar tutorial can be found here for the general idea of construction.

Fabric: scraps are perfect
Needle + Thread / sewing machine
Cotton balls / stuffing
Embellishments: buttons, ribbon, bows, beads, etc.

Hearts are my favorite shape and can be found doodled on nearly any paper that comes in contact with my pen. Hearts are a symbol of love and a word used to say how much you like something. They can represent the center of an object or the soul and often tied to feelings depicting what we are all about.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45) and this month our prayer is to speak hope in to the hearts of those who are hurting. Hearts of hope.

 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12

Hope that only comes from believing in Jesus. That can be held on to during the most crucial points in our lives and in the most blissful. Hope that turns the mourning in to dancing and puts a new song in our mouth. It is the hope that does not make everything okay but that never gives up. That restores and renews. The hope that changes everything.

When we hope in Jesus, our lives change in ways only God can imagine, as idols fall and the cross is continually picked up, with new eyes to see the landscapes of a gifted life worth living despite circumstances.  Hope that reveals patience during trials and develops a conversational life of prayer.

Praying that your heart would be full of hope as you trust in Jesus and that it would be interrupted with hope if it has yet to be and that you would in turn bless someone else. Praying that you would find peace in the midst of life and comfort in the quiet to rest and refreshment in the beauty of things hoped for.

We are using these tags (1.5" x 1.5") to attach to the ornaments as we give them away. Click to print. 
For more info on Pocket Blessings, click here. If you are hosting a Pocket Blessings in your community, feel free to email with any questions or any way we can be of service.

shoes + sole hope

Tiffany NicoleComment

Growing up, my toes were slipped in to pink jellies in hot California summers and covered in black clogs for church (they were comfy) and orange sneakers to run across the play ground. High school had me sporting another pink shoe, this time a pair of Converse and these days comfy, grandma flats (as my sister lovingly calls them) are my favorite. I have always had shoes and more than one pair at that. And that seemed normal. Nothing to question or think twice about.

Until I heard of jiggers and learned the detriment they caused little feet worlds over, as Sole Hope spanned my computer screen a few years ago. It's simplistic message and need, coupled with  the heart and story behind it broke my heart.

I rang in my birthday that year with their Party with a Purpose. Friends and family came over, jeans and milk cartons in hand, ready to trace and cut shoe patterns for children who knew the pain of jiggers first hand, burrowing deep in to their feet.

It was humbling seeing everyone so focused and willing to help. And the next day, the scissor cutters could hardly move their fingers but they said it was all okay in the name of Jesus. Sweet sarcasm, sweet friends. That being said, fifteen minute station rotations is recommended to get the full experience, just in case your party goers are amazing, hard worker ,enthusiasts like mine.

Meeting Drew, one of the co-founders, at the Allume Conference brought Sole Hope to another level this year. Witnessing first hand his passion and heart driving the movement as he spoke about what it is all about and how we can partner with them was humbling still.

He stood on a chair in a crowded room. Raffle participants waiting in a lounge filled with sweet delicacies to see if they were the winner of an overflowing gift basket or the IPad, all generously donated. His words were real. His heart on his sleeve. To help the children. To be Christ overseas through giving and support. The raffle prizes seemed hollow and empty in the context of his heart and message.

This month the 10 for 10 program was launched: a way to ensure each that pair of shoes cut will be fully funded to completion - from sewing and all construction, which takes place in Africa, to finding ten toes to protect from jiggers. With just $10 a month, you can ensure a pair of feet have something to slip into, to run in, keeping them safe from burrowing jiggers.

There are lots of other ways to use your resources to assist them: donating common medical supplies, purchasing items from their Amazon Wish list, be a voice of hope by letting others know about what is going on, shopping their store and of course praying for them.  

Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24

I am not affiliated with Sole Hope or anything of the sorts. Just someone who believes God is using them to do his beautiful work. Praying you would seek a way to be of service to them, whatever it looks like for you. Praying you would do something.

Here's to being of service and spurring one another on.

cross country trust building.

tiffany garza3 Comments

The Allume conference has came and past. A whirlwind of take offs and landings, business cards and name badges, roommates and chocolates, speakers and an out pouring of encouragement.

When God calls you to the other side of the country, leaving your three children and traveling alone for the first time, it is quite an adventure and a constant reminder of his provision; Jehovah - Jireh. An entire exercise in trust, something God has been working on in me this year.

Trusting God to lead and for me to follow.

Trusting that whatever God had for me during this time, it would be just what he had planned.

Trusting that everything would be secure on the home front.

Trusting that I would make my flights and find the connections, despite my lack of direction and the playing of musical gates with the airlines as they decided which one was now best.

Trusting I would make it on the correct shuttle to the hotel and not on the one that stood waiting long before I was there.

Trusting my rotating roommates would be genuine and not on the creeper side.

And God came through. My husband rocked the home; complete with Chick-fil-a and night feedings. I made each flight, even though one was overbooked and my seat was TBD and I was the final person to board. The shuttle came on time, despite a delayed flight. My roommates were the sweetest women, more than I could have imagined. And peace lavishly covered each day and hour.

The speakers were authentic and held beautiful incites and truths but it was the conversations with women from across the US (and Canada) that sewed the conference together so eloquently, along with those on the planes and streets. The way God brought each one together at just the right moment. One Spirit lead conversation after another with threads only God could sew. Another reason to stand in awe and wonder at him. Life's trials and journey's exchanged; meeting one another as words formed pictures of days past, now redeemed and hemmed in hope and sent with encouragement. Seeing glimpses of the Masterpiece coming together this side of eternity.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding; 
in all your ways submit to him,    
    and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

This verse has been embedded in this year and a constant encouragement throughout the days for I could never understand it all.

Praying whatever you are holding in your hands that you would give it to the Lord. That you would trust he is working out everything for your good and know there is nothing you can do to slow it down or speed it up or work out. He is in control of even the smallest of things because he truly cares for you - his child. Praying your eyes would be opened to the areas where trust is lacking and that you would jump in with both feet covered in faith and radiating in his peace.

Here's to more trust and adventures. 

pocket blessings I popsicle quote signs

tiffany garza2 Comments

Happy October! Another month and Another craft. We are excited to make these fun, little signs. A few popsicle sticks, glue and stamps and you have a cute way to encourage someone.

Signs are a perfect way to label something. They tell you exactly what the contents are and what is expected to be inside. For some, comments and descriptions of others easily roll off the tongue. Peace maker. Encourager. Holy roller. Some you expect and still others you could never fathom. Words attached to you by someone without your approval. And sometimes it sticks. Other times it bounces.

You know, the woman with the gap between her teeth, who always seems to get lip stick on it.
And the other one, who is just a little too friendly and loves wearing pink shoes.
No, it's the one who always talks about her dog, has really frizzy hair and kind of chunky.

And the opinions of the Proverbs 31 Woman is always an interested topic.

She is the epitome of what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus.
She is not a real person.
How does she do it all? She does too much.

Commentaries and bible studies go on about it. About her. Her character and wisdom and family and work life all simplified in to twenty two verses, overflowing with goodness and purpose and drive and fear of the Lord. And how we can be like her. How you can be like her in your everyday life, doing your everyday tasks because face it, she is pretty fabulous and those labels would look great on you, too.

But you are you and in true Dr. Seuss fashion, there is no one YOUER than YOU. And you are pretty awesome, my friend, no matter how awesome someone else is.

So our hope with this craft is to dissolve the labels that others have given us, whether good or bad and will hold up ones that God has given each of us. Ones that encourage and ring truth to our souls. That allows each inhale to be our breath alone and for that to be sufficient.

Praying that you would focus on who God says you are and not what others have labeled you. Praying you would see the beauty in yourself and the way you were so carefully made.

Here is a simple picture tutorial. Let me know if you have any questions. I have been in to a neutral pallet lately and loving the simplicity but the sky is the limit to the design. I am quite sure glitter will make it to craft night, along with some paint to liven them up.

More info on Pocket Blessings here

Happy crafting!

pocket blessings: 2015 launch + september craft

tiffany garza
As we launch the 2015/ 2016 year for Pocket Blessings, I am super excited to introduce you to the newest crafting members coming alongside us with their inspiration and talents. They are super sweet and super crafty and it is a blessing to have on the team.

We have been busy meeting and planning and praying about what God has in store for this year and we are excited to be apart of his plan. And of course, to get our crafting on and meet new friends along the way. 

This month we are decorating glass baby food jars with fall paraphernalia. They are cute and small and just the perfect size to add a tea light to. We layered: fabric cut to fit, pretty metallic fake leaves, twine, ribbon, buttons and lots of hot glue to jazz up the jars.

They are also a great reminder of the simple truth: to be the light + to shine.

Shine because our light has come. Because Jesus came in to the world to show us the way in to his. And now we are called to reflect him. To stand for what he stood for. To live and love as he did.

Reflecting Jesus is different for everyone but looks the same in essence. Everyone has a different skill set and different influence but are called to do the same thing: be like him. 

Whether it is caring for patients at a hospital or teaching children in school or taking care of your own littles, love looks the same. To come along side and listen and serve and teach the truth.

Praying you would reflect Jesus as you go about your days and that you would be a constant source of encouragement and love to others, pointing them to Jesus. Praying you would truly shine. 

For more info about Pocket Blessings and how you can start your own, click here.

pride + sewing.

Tiffany Nicole3 Comments

The first thing I ever sewed was a hand print of mine in third grade. Each student carefully traced her hand in pencil on muslin fabric pulled tightly through an embroidery hoop, stuffed it full of cotton filler, and then sewed it closed. It was a Christmas present for our parents. It marked the beginning of my sewing adventures.

For a few years after that I thought it was a cheating to sew with a machine, so my cousin and I sewed clothes and blankets and pillows together by hand. Eventually, I caved and the new found speed made projects a breeze. And more years went by and I majored in apparel marketing and design with pride leading the way.

I had been sewing for so long in my own self taught way, that I did not care too much for learning new things and trying other techniques and improving upon my skill set. I blocked my own growth, all while paying for the classes.

In our faith journey, it can be similar. We know the routine and the answers and the rituals. But we lack the techniques and proper use of the application to apply teachings to our daily life.

We forego mastering button holes and lapped zippers and French seams in order to stay on the sidelines within our faith comfort zones. We do projects that do not stretch us.

We sit in church and miss the opportunities to grow our faith. Miss the opportunities to know God on an intimate level. We miss the glimpses of joy that comes from knowing God and following his leading in to the unknown. We miss the intricacy and details that make up the garment and that gives it its lure and luster. We miss the transformation to reflect Christ.

The bible is pretty self explanatory about pride. A few examples:

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor. Proverbs 29:23

Pride prohibits growth and learning. It causes one to be so full of self that eventually something has to give. Marriage. Job. Finances. Being so focused on ourselves and how good we are, shuts our eyes to see others and destroys relationships and lives. It is the humble who admit they are wrong and can build from there, along with God's help.

Praying your eyes would be opened to the pride in your life, from the grandiose to the minute. Praying you would not think of yourself as higher than you are but would put others ahead and be willing to be last.

Praying that you would have wisdom to see the pride before the fall and would be caught up in mercy and humility instead. Praying you would grow in meekness in ways you have never known through uncharted territories and under explored truths.

Here's to less falls and more humility. 

on waters colors, teaching + trust

Tiffany Nicole2 Comments

One of my favorite parts of the day is the watercolor session with my four year old, when the boys are mostly napping, after we have had our bible study and with a warm soy chai in hand.

Months back I came across old watercolors from a fashion drawing class in college I could not have disliked more - drawing is not something I excel in, even remotely, though my teacher was highly gifted and sweet. Showing me strokes that flowed off her fingers like it was nothing only to have mine end up with tangles and knots that have way too odd curves. Give me stick figures any day.

But on that day months ago, they seemed intruding, especially after watching Penny dapple in her set days prior.

And so it began. A time of mixing and playing and practicing and brush strokes and water and colors of the rainbow strewn about. Neither of us an expert in the area but enjoying figuring it out and experimenting none the less.

In our Christian walk, we tell ourselves we have to know so much in order to teach anything. We have to be able to say the Road to Romans and have bible verses memorized and be a theologian to share the gospel. We put ourselves down and do not teach others because we are never qualified enough. We lose out on wisdom gained from others and vice versa because we are too afraid to share.

I find great amusement in the way God has wired us and the lessons he teaches us at different times. No matter how long we have walked as a Christian, everyone is at a different level in various areas of their faith. In fully surrendering and trusting God.

Some may have been a follower for decades but have never learned the truth that God will provide because of self sufficiency in material possessions, until a great loss occurs later. Others struggle to trust God with their family, knowing whatever happens to them is in God's control. Or perhaps trusting with their children, that God has in store for their future. And still others with jobs or school or past traumas. And the list goes on.

But we are always in a place to learn and grow and prosper in the Truth. Sharing is the key. And teaching what you know thus far is imperative.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

It is trusting God that we can share our stories and share the failures and the triumphs and the redemption and teach others what we have learned through experience. It is trusting God that though you struggle in an area in your faith, knowing that he will be faithful and continue to work complete his good work in you.

Praying that though it may seem like it is something you can hardly teach due to lack of skill set, that you would pray for guidance and wisdom and that you would dabble in it together anyway, learning together as you go. Because that is how faith grows and community forms and how God answers. 

Praying that when it seems like you have nothing to give and nothing to teach or the energy to think about such things or the time to prep for them that God would wrap you in his truth and bind them around your heart and you could not help but speak of what you have seen and heard. 

Here's to more trust and teaching. 

questions & answers.

Tiffany NicoleComment

At the beginning of the year, our two year old request of new carpet for our rental home was answered. Upgraded carpet that does not match the bedrooms (which turned out to make the installation easier) but that is besides the point. My husband had the day off and took our oldest out on grocery shopping adventures during the process and I stayed home with our crawler, confining him to the bedrooms.

As the old padding and carpet was taken out and the new ones put down, I was able to get to know the workers, who were impressively speedy and knew exactly what they were doing.

As the last of the carpet went down in the hallway, the gentleman blatantly asked, "How did you get all this?" This referring to our home and possessions. 

I was taken off guard and wanted to laugh - several thoughts going through my head at once. You mean all this second hand / free / nearly free stuff looks like something worth having?

And of course, he then followed it with, "You do not look very old."

Enter more head laughter. And thankfulness to God for some great genetics and grace to answer the age question for the millionth time. And then a quick flash back to a few months prior when another gentleman asked, "why are you doing this?" Why would I go out of my way to perform a random act of kindness to people I do not know and probably will not see again.

It was there in these split seconds that we all have a choice. We can shy away or we can could be honest. We can cover up our faith and take the credit for the hard work ourselves or we can praise God for his blessings.

"Because of Jesus," I awkwardly, practically blurted. "He's the only reason I have anything in my possession.  He's the reason I do what I do."

Before then, no one had questioned my motives so bluntly.

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2

Paul tells Timothy to share the gospel and be prepared. It is so easy to be caught up in our own to-do lists that we miss the opportunity to be fully present. We have not prepared or studied or it is too awkward and no one wants to offend. But you may be the person who plants a seed and points them to the truth and turns a sinner from their ways. The person who leads them to correction and openly rebukes in love and encouragement.

Praying that at the height of your success and the climb there, that you would give the glory to God. That he would be your reason for the goodness in your life and the motive behind why you do what you do. Praying that those you interact with daily or in passing would see the difference in you. That your joy would overflow and that you would always be ready with an answer for the reason of the joy that you have.

Praying you would have an opportunity to share your faith this week and that seeds would be planted and hearts would be opened and eternities changed.

Here's to pointing others to Jesus throughout your journey.  

in to the ministry.

Tiffany Nicole2 Comments

When my husband was called in to ministry, the first thing I thought of was our family and how this was going to change our dynamics, enter negative connotation here. When we first became Christians, one of my first thoughts was that I would never want my husband to be a pastor. It would be far too much work with little pay and too much strain on our family.

Would God call him in to ministry to negatively affect our family? No. Would my selfish desires say yes? Most definitely. It was a little death to my preconceived notions of our family unit and would it should look like.

Thus far in the process, it has looked like some late night classes and homework on weeknights that may bleed in to the weekends but ultimately, it looks like us sacrificing a little time together now, for benefits in to eternity. It is having God given boundaries and letting of our expectations. It is not guarding our family but welcoming others into it. 

I recently listened to a past sermon of Francis Chan's where he spoke about being "on mission with his family." He went on to say how his mission in life was to follow God's direction, not having his family be the primary focus, and in doing so, his family had a closer bond. He was not putting family down but rather elevating God before it. Idols can be found anywhere, especially in the family unit.

And I think that this is the point God has been bringing me to with my own. The point of ministry and life colliding. That is what life is all about. And not just for pastor's or their wives.

 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6: 6-7

As Moses was preparing the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, he reminded them to impress God's word on their children and talk about what he had done, that it would be impressed on their hearts. It was to be consumed in every part of their day and lives. Simply living out their calling to follow God daily. We are still called to do so, as well. Living out our faith and weaving it in to the ministry of our lives alongside our children. Truly showing them what it means to go and make disciples and how to share the Word and how to listen to God.  

Praying that your family would be driven by the passions of God and glued together through his Word and what it says to do. Praying that you would not be held back by thoughts of time lost while ministry and life is happening around you, while someone's eternity is being changed.

Praying your family would be a group of people built to spur each other on, stretch each other beyond measure, demonstrate love and forgiveness and encourage each other to follow God's will in to whatever ministry it may be. Praying that if you are not blessed with a family seeking the Lord together, that God would provide them in his own way - with a beautiful community for you.

Praying that whatever your family looks like that your goal would be to seek the kingdom first. That your hearts would be set on things above and God would raise each member up to bring up others who revere God, multiplying your family's legacy on earth and in to eternity. Praying that you would not get so focused on the small things that you lose out on the bigger picture things later.

Here's to family and ministry and God's will. 

from generation to generation.

Tiffany Nicole2 Comments
My grandma is known for her spaghetti sauce and scrumptious salads. Friends and family adore her time in the kitchen spent simmering a batch on the stove, which perfectly accompanies all the fresh, colorful vegetables cut just the right size to fit in your mouth, smothered in her homemade dressing. It is a staple to our family and our kind of comfort food. I grew up with my mama's yummy, mastered version of the sauce and now that we are grown, each of my sisters and I have learned the recipe, putting our own twists on it, respectfully. And they are all quite tasty but truth be told, there is nothing like grandma's spaghetti and salad. I am sure it has to do with all the love she puts in it as she stirs and chops and the years she has to put in to perfect it.

Recipes and traditions and sayings and mannerisms span generations. Generations of the same last name and the same way the Christmas tree is decorated and how the Thanksgiving turkey is prepared continue to span over space and time.

The old Testament is scattered with generations and monuments of days long past and the stories and miracles behind them continued to be told long after they occurred. And the sole purpose of the monuments? To tell of the greatness of God.

After Joshua leads the Israelites in to the promised land, God instructs him to have twelve men from the tribes of Israel to pick up stones from the Jordan River, which they had just crossed over on dry land, to make a monument (Joshua 3-4). And I love how it states the reason directly after:

He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God. Joshua 4:24

The entire purpose of the monument and miracle was for everyone to know the power of God and that they may fear him and then Joshua five starts off with how kings from the surrounding areas "hearts melted and they no longer had courage to face [them]."

People heard about what God had done and feared him. They saw what He was capable of doing. And our testimonies have the same power and purpose - to turn others to God and His glory. When we fail to share our testimonies, especially between generations in a family, there is a loss of wonder and awe in the almighty God. A loss of the tangibility and closeness of God's ever constant provision and guidance and healing power.

Praying that you would empty yourself of any pride or fear or worry and focus on bringing glory to God through your story. That you would share it when the time arises with whomever God leads you to. That you would have your monuments out on display for others to see the powerful God we serve. 

Here's to generations and telling and glory. 

right side up.

Tiffany Nicole1 Comment
Growing up, my mom had to constantly remind my sisters and I to keep our feet on the ground. Eight legs were constantly in the air and knocking in to each other and key boards and her pregnant belly. Cartwheels and hand stands were in our blood and our feet could not help but point as we meandered around the house on our hands, seeing everything upside down. I could be found watching my favorite TV show, while doing a headstand by the couch, seeing how long I could last before my head would turn red, and glancing at the clock to see if any words could be spelled out.

There was always something so mesmerizing about seeing the world upside down. Maybe it was the different perspective. Or the sheer fact it was counter intuitive. Or perhaps it was the mysteriousness of seeing things in ways they were not intended to be seen.

Being in the world is like walking around upside down. Seeing things in a way opposite of God. Opposite to his teachings and hopes and desires for us. It is being removed from our creator.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Scripture tells us not to do the things that are so common to our culture and nature.  To not concern ourselves with the latest trends of clothing or adorn ourselves with hair styles that takes hours to do and maintain or point out what is wrong with everyone else but to instead focus on God and pursuing a gentle and humble spirit (1 Peter 3:3).

It is a continual process of praying and studying in order to keep our minds fixed on things above and persistently focusing on God's word - not the world's. It is learning how to keep our feet flat on the ground despite the constant urge to lift them, allowing temptation to get the best of us.

And the more our feet learn to stand firm and the more we stay right side up, the more we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and actions and our will becomes one with God's.

Praying that your mind would continue to be renewed and transformed with the things of God - with everything that is just and lovely and pure and holy. Praying that you would be able to see the world in a way that you have never experienced and that it would change your thinking and ideology.

Praying that scripture would be on the forefront of your mind and that every thought would be made obedient to Christ as you go about your day, for his glory alone.

Here's to feet and ground and standing firm.

This post is shared at: Grace and Truth Link Up

pocket blessings l may craft

Tiffany NicoleComment

You are not defined by your bookmark. You know, the place that changed you. A pivot point in your life. The mark that took a piece of your innocence and part of your heart and misconstrued memories. Or captivated you with so much beauty that you were never the same. That made you a better person and showed you truth and drew you closer to God than you had been before.

Bookmarks. We all have them in our story but we are not to be defined by them. Over and over scripture tells us who we are, whose we are and gives us promises of it. In Christ alone is our hope and identity found.

This month for Pocket Blessings we are designing fabric bookmarks. They are simply two pieces of fabric sewn together, about 2" by 7" (you could use paper or other medium), punched a hole with a crop-o-dile and added a tassel for some fun. There is a great tutorial here for how to make cute little tassels to attach, should you choose. There are lots of options for decor but I kept these pretty simple. 

On each bookmark we are writing one word that symbolizes what our marks should cause us to do. Letter stencils come in really handy here if you prefer something other than your own hand.

Rejoice.You need not hide it or be ashamed of what you have been through.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4

Shine. God has carefully crafted a path for you via Jesus, now you need only shine and be an example to others.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. Isaiah 60:1

Love. Because Jesus has shown you how,  you can.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16

And of course, some tags to attach with the verses. Click to print. I cut mine in to flag shapes but the options are limitless.

Praying that whatever bookmarks you have in your life would be seen as beauty. That they would show others the glory God has revealed to you through them. Praying that you would truly believe who God says you are and that you would lead the way for others to seem themselves in the same light. That you would rejoice and shine and love in what God has done in spite of the bad and the good.

Here's to transforming bookmarks to beauty.

For more info about Pocket Blessings, click here.  

on the sidelines.

Tiffany NicoleComment
Standing on the sidelines has always come across to me with a negative connotation. You are not participating in whatever is happening on the playing field. You are an onlooker merely watching events unfold before your eyes.

My husband, brother in laws and  friends recently participated in their first half marathon and I had the opportunity to be on the sidelines watching. Watching others running to the finish line. Watching as the runners heard the applause and encouragement from their loved ones on the sidelines. Claps and praises. And how their faces were instantly filled with smiles and appreciation and motivation to keep going.

So often we watch others as they achieve their goals and instead of encouraging, we try to tear them down - half heartily believing they can achieve the goal and in our hardest of hearts, even hope they fail.

Paul tells us in first Thessalonians to encourage one another and build each other up (5:11). To cheer each other on from the sidelines, building each other closer to God through words of encouragement.

It's about being the encourager in your marriage to your spouse. It's encouraging your children and friends and coworkers and pastors and baristas and gym buddies. It's witnessing what God is doing in their life by pointing it out and continuing to give God praises for working through them and pushing them closer to him because of it all.

It is encouraging each other in our faith daily from the minute to the grandiose things. From praying for each other to texting verses that God puts on your heart. From writing a simple note to a phone call. It is reflecting Jesus and listening to the truth of the Holy Spirit, who is constantly cheering us on for God's glory until we make it to Glory.

Praying that your words would give life to others as they run the race with perseverance. That your words would keep those around you running to the things of God. Praying that you would be the encourager that others need, always building up.

Praying that as you run the race that God would provide those around you to be the encourager that you need to keep pressing on and fulfilling the callings he has so intricately made you for. Praying that you would run with perseverance and when you find yourself on the sidelines that you would encourage those around you. That you would strengthen one another and be in unity.

Here's to sidelines and cheers and building up. 

counting with numbers.

Tiffany NicoleComment
Age is such a funny and fickle thing. A once in a lifetime opportunity. The numbers come and go, never to be returned to. My recent birthday left me forgetting how many years I had nestled in to this body, as I responded to the questioning of my age with an additional year added by accident.

I still see my nine year old self on the play ground walking with a friend sharing the excitement of becoming two full hands worth of years. Moving from one to two numbers to symbolize my age. An entire decade. And now, nearly two more have passed since. Two that saw the coming and going of sixteen leading in to eighteen, which inevitably escorted me in to twenty-one.

And now I sit with thirty approaching in two years. But that is all just math. Just the counting of my trips around the sun. And life is more than counting how many years everyone has accrued, though I used to think otherwise and always finding comfort in Paul's words to Timothy.

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Someone always has to be older and someone has to be younger.

But how do you get there? When do you cross over from the young to the old? When does the transition and exchange change place? At the rate I am going, I do not foresee the moment occurring. And when I get there, I probably will not remember what number I have racked up. 

I love how Paul said not let anyone look down on him. Timothy had a choice. He could let others look down on him or choose to rise past that, following his calling and setting an example for those who had more trips around the sun. He was to be the model to his elders of how to act in Christ, which our calling today despite whatever our birthday says.

Praying that you would not push off the advice of the younger because they have not yet experienced life the way you have and perhaps appears green and wearing rose colored glasses. Praying that those rose colored glasses would shed new light because of their innocence and wisdom that God gives despite how old.

Praying that as you accrue more numbers that you would not just grow taller but that you would be filled with the Spirit and bend to the teachings of Christ. That you would be more open to hearing the truth and correction and not stuck in the ways of your youth. That you would be more apt to putting off the old for the new and following Christ whole heartily.

Here's to numbers and birthdays and examples. 

the easter story via eggs

Tiffany NicoleComment

The more I learn about God, the more I stand in awe. The more I am humbled at my finite self. As Easter is about to be celebrated this Sunday, I am even more amazed at God's plan of redemption and the beautiful symbolism that orchestrates it all.

How it starts with the Passover celebration and how Jesus makes his entry in to the city and the people shout hosanna to the Son of David (Matthew 21). How the lamb is chosen for the sacrifice. How the Passover commemorates the time of the Israelites leaving Egypt and their slavery behind and going in to a new place of freedom. How we are able to have freedom and a new life because of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. When God writes a story, there is nothing like it.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17

With Penny getting older and more capable of understanding the true hope of Easter, we have been more mindful about the traditions that we instill. Last year, I wanted to find something that would be fun for her to do but meaningful, as well and came across this little example of how to put together resurrection eggs.

I went on a little scavenger hunt around the house searching for everything, which did not take too long but still had to hand write the inserts. This year, I wanted to make it a little neater and include the scriptures on the cards to make it a little easier and flow better. So, I whipped up this little printable based off of the resurrection eggs, though I simplified and changed some of verses so they would fit to the card (and I do not use facial sponges, so I used a q-tip instead). 

And a quick tip on numbering: I had written the numbers on the eggs with sharpie but it hardly lasted through dinner, so this year I used the paint Sharpie to write them with hopes of them lasting through. Stickers or vinyl numbers work well, too

Before eating Easter dinner, we took an egg and went around the table reading the story. It was really fun and interactive, as well as a great way to keep Jesus as the focus. Penny followed along and helped open the eggs. It would be fun to do as an egg hunt, too and then go through them accordingly. Whatever floats your boat.

Praying that as you celebrate Easter that your eyes would be opened to new aspects of the story despite how many times you have heard it in the past. Praying that you would see the beauty in the cross and the love that poured out and know just how much you are loved. Praying that you would seek to celebrate with traditions that glorify God and focus on Jesus, not the bunny, whatever that maybe for you.

It is the two page printable. Download for free here. 

Here's to a risen Savior and one amazing story. 

pocket blessings l march craft

Tiffany NicoleComment

The Pocket Blessings craft for March is paper bunting. We are filling teeny baskets with little bunting  with the word Hope to put inside because Easter is upon us and because of Jesus, we have hope.

There are various ways and supplies and sizes that can be used to make bunting. We are using paper and ribbon + twine to make them in triangles and flags about 3" x 1.5" and embellishing them with embossed + stamped / stickered / handwritten letters.

Here are few basic tutorials if you need some inspiration for making your own:

Easter is about bringing hope to the hopeless. It is about celebrating the death and resurrection of Christ. We want to remind the recipients of the hope that is found in Jesus because of his death and resurrection. For surely, hope can change everything.

Hope weaves itself in to the bits of glitter in the hard times and points others to God's saving grace. Hope perseveres because of the promises and goodness to come. Hope rises past the hurts and hold ups and grudges and points to the bigger picture.

 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. Romans 15:13a

God is a God of hope. He fills and gives and pours and mixes according to our needs of peace and joy and love. He is the ultimate giver.

Praying that you see God will fill you will hope as you go about Easter and that it would overflow through the power of the holy spirit. Praying that you would be a witness throughout your community of the hope of Jesus and if you have yet to put your hope in him, that you would see the beauty in the offer.

Here's to new found hope and overflowing of joy and peace.  

And of course, here's a little tag to attach to your baskets. Click to download. 

For more info about Pocket Blessings, click here.

when life gives you lemons, pray for sugar

Tiffany NicoleComment

Lemon is typically a flavor that you either love or cannot stand. For me, it is one of my favorite flavors  and its yellow rind has worked its way in to my favorite color category over the past few years because of its fun demeanor.

A sweet friend with a lemon tree brings them by for me when they are in season and the possibilities become endless. Lemon bars. Lemon meringue pie. Lemonade. A little lemon slice to perk up ice water - it's like a little burst of sunshine in a cup. 

The old adage, when life gives you lemons, seems appropriate to add here. It tends to have a negative connotation to it. Like lemons are a bad thing. Oh man, you got lemons again? Guess you better make some lemonade. It states things are not going as planned. There is a pot hole in the road or a detour or broken bridge ahead. And you now, you are forced in to juicing some lemons. You have an unplanned interruption and encouraged to make something out of the bad and ugly and unwanted in to something desirable and sweet and quenching. You have a choice - to keep the lemons as they are or make something with them.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

God is always working out the best for those who love him. He is always providing a way out and a solid foundation to stand, you just have to see it. He is working out the suffering for his good.

Homemade lemonade is a favorite beverage in our home. The key to making it perfect is melting the sugar in a pot of boiling water, eliminating any floating sugar particles, and then mixing it all together with the rest of the water and lemon juice, making sure not to add too much sugar as to over sweeten but just enough to still have a little kick. Just enough sweetness to accompany the sour.

Life is like that. You need just enough sweetness to accompany the sourness that comes your way. Smiles to overshadow the frowns. Compliments to overcome the putdowns. Surprises to outweigh the let downs. And for God to provide the sugar. 

This is where prayer comes in and resources. Prayer asking God to open your eyes to see the sugar through the situation. Through the illness or lay off or temper tantrum or traffic or foreclosure. Through the surgery or therapy. And to see the resources around you. The little grains of sugar and the overflowing spring of water.

Praying that whatever seems like lemons would be made into another testimony of God's faithfulness. Praying that your interruptions and detours would be seen as opportunities. That you would see God's favor resting on you throughout the situation in ways only he can work. Praying that you would see God's provision and resources around you and that you would have the wisdom to use them in accordance with his will.

Praying that you would drink in the goodness of God's promises, knowing that everything works together for those who are called according to his purposes.

Here's to lemons and prayers.  

pocket blessings l february craft

Tiffany NicoleComment

For craft night this month we are making note cards for a local senior home. A simple text or email may be sent, which is great and can mean a lot but there is something about getting a tangible thing to hold with someone's own handwriting that makes it all the more special. So much can burst out of a word or two. Or more.

In college, I wrote a small thank you to a professor telling her thanks for all of the work she had put in one of the classes I had taken from her. It was so much work and so much to learn and so much for her to teach and  to grade. When I transferred schools I had to retake the class. Same book. Same amount to learn but hardly any teaching occurred that came close the my previous professor's. I felt sorry for the other students in the class who were trying to figure it all out and had no idea what to do. This was where my note was born and sent it out to my teacher in full thankfulness for her efforts.

Later, a friend mentioned that my professor was really encouraged by it and placed it on her desktop as a reminder while she was going through the daily grind. I had no idea the impact that it would make for her and did not think she would remember me.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
   sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
    Proverbs 16:24

Writing is like the essence of life in word form. God spoke the whole word in to motion and then wrote it down for us. Words are powerful and I do not think I will ever understand the power of them. They hold gifts of encouragement and wisdom and thanksgiving. They bring out smiles and tears and comfort. They bring up memories of past days spent and let us to peer in to lives of fictional people who will never walk in ours. 

Praying that you would not look at words the same but would be transformed by their context and arrangement. Praying that you would hear the truth and build each other up with them, as they are meant to do. Praying that you would find time this week to send a note to someone the Lord has placed on your heart. 

Here is a little packaging tag if you would like to give them away. They fit perfectly around an A2 invitation envelope. Click image to download. 

And of course, if you are in the area and would like to join us, we would love to have you!

Here's to notes and words and encouragement. 

Read more about what Pocket Blessings is all about here

in the quiet.

Tiffany NicoleComment
Growing up with six brothers and sisters, the word "quiet" hardly describes the environment. It was noisy and loud and full of life exploding from all parts of the house. My room was a little sanctuary but it being shared with my younger sister, was never truly quiet either.

When I moved out on my own, the quietness was eerie. I moved in with my older sister and her boyfriend, both who worked opposite hours than me. No one was running around or invading my room with a dire announcement or pounding on the bathroom door because they really needed to use it. Naturally, I filled up the silence with music.

Over the past few years, God has shown me how to turn off the music and enjoy the silence. Especially the silence of sleeping babies. Silence. It is when your breath becomes the loudest thing your ears can hear and the beating of your heart reminds you that you are alive and God is not going to waste a single minute of your life.

God has reminded me to be still and know that he is God (Psalm 46:10).

It is in the quiet when the listening occurs. In the quiet is when the learning and wisdom and grace tend to heard all the louder because there is nothing else to hear. It is in this place, that the presence of God can almost be touched and God reminds you that this is holy ground and you will never be the same.

It is here that transformation begins and the spirit stirs and God's plan for you unfolds.

Praying that this week you would seek to find the quiet. That you would find a moment to stop the busy and chaos and just be. Maybe five minutes. Perhaps ten. Maybe more. Praying that you would get to a place of silence. Not reflecting or praying or lamenting. Just stillness. Pure quiet. Praying that your ears and heart would be opened to hear and feel. 

Praying that you would learn to listen and search and hear and know that God is there. Praying that his power and majesty and peace would transcend your understanding and guard your hearts and mind in him. Praying that you would embrace the silence that goes unnoticed amongst the noise of the day and truly enjoy the lack of motion or words or thoughts. And that in the midst of it that the presence of God would forever change you.

Here's to silence and listening with open hearts. 

learning to grow

Tiffany NicoleComment

The past few years I have learned a lot about gardening through trial and error and some brief advice in conversation. It has been fun experimenting and learning as I go but there has been some casualties because of it - the lettuce and banana peppers and cilantro. They did not live through the experimenting / learning process. This year, as gardening season rolls around and we work on starting seeds in the window sill again, I am hoping to have a veteran gardener show me the ropes and point out where to plant and when with special care instructions, so that the garden with not just survive this year but thrive. There is nothing like someone coming along side you to teach and help.

Let the wise listen and add to their learning,
And let the discerning get guidance.
Proverbs 1:5

Without being taught something, it is harder to learn. It is not impossible. Trial and error is always an option but usually not the best.

Experience is a key factor in learning. If you never spill, you will not learn how to clean it up. If you never admit you are wrong, you will not learn how to apologize. If you are never wronged, you will not learn forgiveness.  That being said, having someone to show you around the situation and what it looks like from a godly perspective is a life changing experience.

Humbling yourself enough to ask for help allows you to thrive and avoid casualties. It may feel like you are an inconvenience or be just plain uncomfortable but it is the first step toward growth. When the rain comes, you will have someone to guide and shield you directly from it, which will allow you to grow in the right direction - financially or career wise or in your marriage or parenting - whatever it may be for you in whatever season you are currently in.

Praying that you would listen to God's guidance and teaching more so than any person and that this would be the year that you ask for help. That you would prayerfully find someone to teach you how to write a budget or be a godly spouse or parent or how to follow the Lord or fully use your spiritual gifts. Praying that you would also seek out someone you can teach and guide because everyone is in different seasons and learning never ceases. 

Praying that you would have discernment to listen to advice and accept discipline. Praying that you would have guidance and encouragement through your spills in life. Praying that you would see the opportunities of sharing your experiences with others that they may learn and grow from them. 

Here's to asking and learning. Here's to more wisdom and less casualties.