The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

one plus one.

Tiffany NicoleComment
I am not a morning person and I  have yet to see a sunrise completely. One occasion I woke up with intent to see it. I googled what time it would rise and left accordingly. I went out in the brisk morning to a place I thought for sure it would make an appearance. I waited. I had some time still. And I waited. As the time came and went I still had yet to see the sun rise from behind the peaks I assumed it was coming from. I had missed it entirely. My lack of knowledge of the sun and sense of direction became evident.

As I walked along in hopes of catching a glimpse, I asked someone. She informed me, as I had pieced together, that the sun rose behind me on the other side of the lake. I had enjoyed the beauty of the lake and surroundings as I waited but did not accomplish what I had come for. Had I asked someone prior, just maybe I could have basked in it that morning.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. 
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Enter here some direction and people. Solomon wisely states the importance of others. Perhaps you are that person. The person who knows the way to Jesus. The person who shows others the Jesus they can open the door to and dine with (Revelation 3:20. The Jesus who loves you and continues to knock despite each failure or disappointment or trial. Perhaps you are the person waiting to open up and see his glory and love and mercy.

We need people. People in our lives to guide us and point us and share and explain and pour in to us. Life is not meant to be done alone. We are missing out on the sweetness of community when we are trying to do it all alone. We are missing out on knowing Jesus deeply or possibly at all without others. Others to pray with. To cry with. To laugh with. It is here that the church is more than just walls of a building but a reflection of Jesus. It is here that lives are intertwined and God's story is written on hearts.

Praying that if you do not have a community that God will show you the people he has in your life for just that purpose. Praying that you will be able to see the truth in Jesus and be the person who picks others up when they are down and points them to him. Praying that you are able to see the blessing that comes with doing life with others, not alone.

Praying that if you are searching for truth that you would find it and open the door accordingly. Praying that you would embrace the opportunity to take some time to meet with someone God has been leading you to. That you would see the way he has so intricately weaved your lives together for his purpose and glory for such a time as this and that you would thank him for the blessing of friendship. 

Here's to friends and pointing and guiding. Here's to doing life together.