The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

pocket blessings l february craft

Tiffany NicoleComment

For craft night this month we are making note cards for a local senior home. A simple text or email may be sent, which is great and can mean a lot but there is something about getting a tangible thing to hold with someone's own handwriting that makes it all the more special. So much can burst out of a word or two. Or more.

In college, I wrote a small thank you to a professor telling her thanks for all of the work she had put in one of the classes I had taken from her. It was so much work and so much to learn and so much for her to teach and  to grade. When I transferred schools I had to retake the class. Same book. Same amount to learn but hardly any teaching occurred that came close the my previous professor's. I felt sorry for the other students in the class who were trying to figure it all out and had no idea what to do. This was where my note was born and sent it out to my teacher in full thankfulness for her efforts.

Later, a friend mentioned that my professor was really encouraged by it and placed it on her desktop as a reminder while she was going through the daily grind. I had no idea the impact that it would make for her and did not think she would remember me.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
   sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
    Proverbs 16:24

Writing is like the essence of life in word form. God spoke the whole word in to motion and then wrote it down for us. Words are powerful and I do not think I will ever understand the power of them. They hold gifts of encouragement and wisdom and thanksgiving. They bring out smiles and tears and comfort. They bring up memories of past days spent and let us to peer in to lives of fictional people who will never walk in ours. 

Praying that you would not look at words the same but would be transformed by their context and arrangement. Praying that you would hear the truth and build each other up with them, as they are meant to do. Praying that you would find time this week to send a note to someone the Lord has placed on your heart. 

Here is a little packaging tag if you would like to give them away. They fit perfectly around an A2 invitation envelope. Click image to download. 

And of course, if you are in the area and would like to join us, we would love to have you!

Here's to notes and words and encouragement. 

Read more about what Pocket Blessings is all about here