The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

in(RL) conference

Tiffany NicoleComment

As I saw the emails coming in from (in)courage this year about the conference, I did not know what to think. Last year was the first time I had heard of the blog and the conference. I had also transitioned from apartment living to home living. That is when God kept nudging me to host. To open my home up to strangers. To be obedient in his guiding, all the while serving chocolate and yummy snacks. And that is what I did. 

This year, however, I found myself in a new situation. Still at the same residence but this year, our home was a little fuller. My son was born in December and as the (in)courage emails came pouring in about the up coming conference I asked God, "are you sure about me hosting this year? I have a toddler running around and an infant in my arms, how will this happen?" 

And God assured me that he would show up. He assured me that it was what he had in store for me and asked me to ask for help. I cannot do it alone, which is funny since that is what the whole conference is about - community. My friend said yes and God showed up. 

We planned and crafted and baked and met ladies. We hosted it as a women's event for our church and 40 ladies attended, most of whom had never heard of (in)courage, which did not matter in the slightest.

I loved the theme this year, we need your story. It was such an eye opener of how God uses our testimonies for his witness and to weave us in to the lives of others.

While reading my bible, God reminded me that the people in the bible had stories to share and are still sharing them with us today. They were messy and full of pain and joy and anger and wrapped in God's grace and love and mercy. Joseph spent thirteen years in Egypt as a slave. Thirteen! But God was not finished there and used that time to build him up, gave him favor in the eyes of everyone he met, which culminated with saving the lives of the Egyptians, as well as those of other. Wow!

The same is still the same with us today. We may not be written about in the bible or any book for that matter but our stories just may be written on the hearts of others. Of those we have touched through out our lives. Of those God has used us to speak life in to. Of those God has blessed us with as sons and daughters, husbands, aunts, moms, and dear friends. 

It was a beautiful experience and I am so thankful God continues to push me outside of my comfort zone to accomplish things I never think are possible. And of course for an awesome partner who made 99% of the decor and came up with most of the ideas. 

behind the scenes crew, minus the photographer