The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

the funny thing about moments

Tiffany NicoleComment

While debriefing about the day with the hubby one night, I opened a bowl of cookie dough I had made earlier. If there is something I really enjoy eating, it is cookie dough. The point of making cookies is to eat the dough, naturally; although recently, pazookies are getting pretty close. As we talked and laughed and joked, I noticed myself taking bite after bite and hardly acknowledging the taste. Or even enjoying the taste. The thought was great. Yum cookie dough. But I was not enjoying it, simply aquiring more calories with each bite, so I stopped. I think that is how some moments are. They sound great and we whip out the camera, only to attempt to catch the moment and not savor or really enjoy what is in front of us. We miss the moment entirely.

With all of our technology and ability to capture the moments, it seems that I squander away some of the greatest ones attempting to catch something that never wanted to be caught in the first place. Sometimes I get so caught up in wanting to capture the moment that I miss it entirely all together. I scramble to find my phone and open the app. Is it on video or camera? Then I accidentally hit the power button and have to start all over. A black screen does not get me anywhere. By the time I am done fumbling, the moment has passed. The cute expression left and settled in to a more comfy one. My toddler has run away and disassembled her silly attire.

Solomon writes "

there is a time

for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens." (Ecclesiastes 3:1). He knows a thing or two about time. Not to mention he was the wisest man to live.

There is a time for pictures. I am a huge photo person, if you have ever stepped foot in my house, you might have guessed. That being said, it is sooo easy to capture so many. Too many! Since my first digital camera, I have taken thousands of pictures. I have tons of Polaroids but digital made it easy to take thousands! More than anyone ever needs. The mystery was taken out of the picture with it. Are my eyes going to be open? Did I actually look at the camera? Now you are left with more expressions of the same moment than you will ever need, all in an instant.

I pray that you would take a moment and look around you. Look at what is next to you. Who is next to you. What God has strategically placed in your life at this very second. Take it all in. Because in a moment it will soon be gone and you may just realize that you did not appreciate it enough when you had it. Life may get repetitive and may take away your enjoyment all together if you let it. But choose to enjoy it. Enjoy time as it ticks away. Breathe it in, so when it is no more, you will have tasted it to the fullest. I challenge you to put down your phone. Put away your camera and take in your surroundings a little more. Perhaps less pictures will allow you to appreciate the ones you already have and take more meaningful ones when you do.

Here's to savoring the moment. Enjoying each bite on your taste buds. Truly enjoying the little things. Here's

 a little 8x10 of the verse to remind you to enjoy the moments. Click image to download.