The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

bosses and coworkers and jobs, oh my

Tiffany NicoleComment
It has been over three years since I have clocked in, taken breaks and had a paycheck with my name on it. Oh, the work place. Since I have been out of it, my perspective has shifted quite a bit. Being on the other side seems to do that, along with God's guidance of course.

My last job was not one that I thought it would be. I had great hopes for it. The description on paper sounded better than it was when all was said and done and with my pay cut in half from my previous job I wondered why I had taken the job in the first place. I did not like going to work and could not figure out why I was there and why this was the only job I could get.

Looking back, I can see God's hand in it all and some reasons and conversations. Looking back, I wish I would have embraced the situation more and gone to work with more of a positive attitude and with the joy of the Lord. I read Ephesians 6:10-18 each day, as each day was a personal battle to get there. To work with these people. The people who asked if I felt I did not have to work as hard because I was pregnant. The people who randomly threw a co-worker and I a baby shower, even though I hardly knew them. These people who showed up and came to work with my same attitude of not wanting to be there.

I told people I would pray for them and I would. I tried to give encouragement. I wanted to be different and let God do his thing as he does but I did not let him. I let frustration and anger subtly win the battle. I stayed quiet in the break room and read. I was caught up in my own issues instead of looking outward at others.

I have talked to a lot of people over the past few years and it seems like the same rings true for them, as well, which breaks my heart. Somewhere along the line, these people who share the same office space and employer become enemies and annoyances. Your adversary. The person whose work slack you have to pick up. The person who is so negative and you get to hear it daily with possible play by plays scattered throughout your shift. The person whom you have come to despise.

But you listen. You will listen to them boast and brag and enjoy the short coming and failures and maybe even relish in them.

Jesus said to love your enemies as yourself.
But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Luke 6: 27-28.

I pray that if you find yourself in a work situation that seems hopeless, that you would ask God for guidance and seek wise council (Proverbs 12:15) to stay or to go. To make a difference. For him to change the hearts of your co-works but more importantly, yours. To be present both physically and mentally for them. To offer second changes. That you would seek out ways to serve them. Bringing coffee to your cubical buddy or some yummy donuts for the office or a compliment to that person who seems hopeless.

I pray that you would be the change you want to see in the your co-workers. That you would rise above the words and harsh reprimand and exchange them for love and kindness. I pray that your words would speak truth in to their lives because most likely they do not know Jesus, really know him. They need your love and encouragement, even if they do not want to admit or acknowledge it.

Your life is your testimony. Your actions are reflections of your heart. Your words can start a revolution. You can be the transformation.

I pray you enjoy the location God has strategically placed you in for such a time as this. Your personal mission field. Look for opportunities to do good.

Maybe you find yourself out of the work place, as well. I pray that you would encourage and build up those around you who are. That you would help them see the significance of their placement and the blessing of their employment. You cannot fight the battle for them but you can pray. Perhaps even make a small gift for them to share. 

Here's to less conflict and more gratefulness. Less negativity and more compliments. More unity and laughter at the water cooler.