The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

enjoy the process

Tiffany NicoleComment
An amazing friend recently moved to another state and purchased a home. The first home her family has owned. She had been there just a few short days and I asked for some pictures of the place. I know what you are thinking but I had only seen pictures of the backyard and I cannot help it if I am a visual person. She responded saying it was a total zone but she would try to send some decent ones. I responded that it was just proof of her progress.

After sending the message, God whispered, yes enjoy the process of your life. Enjoy the messy and what I am making out of it. 

I have found myself liking the final outcome of projects more so than the process. Making something is fun but when it is finished it is even better. Life tends to be like that, too. I don't know anyone who likes to share their mess. Who likes to share the disaster that is in their living room or hiding in their closets or their hearts. No one wants to share those parts. But in reality, that is the beauty. It is proof of where you came from. Proof of where God has intervened on your behalf and extended grace and love and mercy. Your mess is God's masterpiece. He puts it back together in a way only he can do so. The sharing of your mess allows others to see how God has changed and transformed and made you in to who he has made you to be.

Scripture says that if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is the process. This is the change. This is unpacking the boxes and rearranging and moving your life.  Unfortunately, there is not a switch that is turned and all of your bad habits and selfishness and pride are washed away when you believe in Jesus but there is a new life. A new life in Jesus. A new life for God to show you his path. You have to choose to see the beauty. You have to chose to share the story. Choose to open the past and let grace flow in to the present. Choose to be transparent and ready for God to shine through you. 

Here's to more beauty in the messy and seeing God move in the process. Here's to more glimpses of his glory in your life and less shame in your journey.