The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

Hearing the Voice of God // by allison dolin

tiffany garza1 Comment

As children, we can believe that a large man delivers presents to all the good boys and girls in the world on a single night. We believe that somehow when our teeth fall out of our mouth, they hold so much value that a mythical creature will fly in our room undetected, just to trade our teeth for some monetary compensation.

Why is it that when we grow up, believing that God speaks to us, seems so impossible? Do we just think that God has better things to do with His time? Does our sin and shame, make us feel unworthy? Do we just think we aren't important enough to God? There are so many things that can make us believe that God would choose not to speak with us.

I once heard a quote that said, “It’s not that God doesn’t speak to us. He does! It’s not that we don’t hear His voice. We do! It’s that we don’t believe that He’s speaking to us.”

There’s that idea again of belief…of faith. Our faith dictates hearing God’s voice. Detecting that still small voice. Believing that when God speaks to us, that is exactly what it is.

There have been many times in my life where I question God’s voice.

“That was a strange thought…I’ll just ignore it.”

“Why do I feel like I should call that old friend up…eh…I’ll do it some other time.”

Why is it that we cry out for God to speak to us? Beg Him for wisdom and guidance, then ignore it when He does?

We don’t need to guess and be left on our own. God has made us a promise in His word.

Jeremiah 33:3

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

When you hear those thoughts that don’t quite make sense, adhere to them. When God impresses something on your heart, don’t ignore it. But, always…ALWAYS go to God’s word to make sure what you’re hearing lines up with Scripture. That's the surest way to decide if what you're hearing is God, you or even the devil's sneaky voice.

I have found that God in His goodness, will always confirm my hesitant human heart. I believe He honors that I am truly seeking His heart and His direction. Each time I have asked, “Lord, is that really what you want me to do?” I always receive loving confirmation.

Have you convinced your child that a bunny delivers treasure filled baskets on Easter? That if they make that face long enough, it would stick?

I hope we are more easily convinced that our Heavenly Father speaks to us. Desires relationship with us. And a healthy, loving relationship involves lots of communication!

God is speaking to you. God is speaking to me. May we embrace a childlike faith to enjoy the beauty of this truth!



Allison is a single mom, who homeschools her son and works full time for a wedding website company. She and her son live near Sacramento, where they can be found making an adventure out of everyday life. Whether they are exploring a local zoo or their backyard, Allison is intentional to make the little things in life as magical as possible.

She is a survivor of domestic violence and a Certified Advocate for Victims of Abuse. She uses social media and her blog to educate and empower women to find freedom and healing in Christ. Allison’s heart is to create for victims/survivors of abuse, what she wished she had when she left her abusive marriage. Her desire is for women in trauma to understand that they are loved, they are not alone and God has a plan for their life.

Find her encouraging women on Instagram @hope_in_healing and her blog.