The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

the joy we receive from the Lord. // by allison dolin

tiffany garza

Want to put a smile on my face?

Bring me flowers!

It could be the fanciest and most expensive bouquet or something you picked off the side of the road.

Either way, they will brighten my day. That’s because it’s something I can hold in my hands that  says you care. You like me. You think about me when I'm not around. And I can be reminded of that, every time I take in their beauty.

In my twenties, I went to the Farmer’s Market every single weekend and bought myself the perfect bouquet to place in my apartment. I would proudly display them in my living room, until they wilted and ended up in the trash. Soon, that bouquet was a distant memory when their replacement occupied my glass vase the following weekend. I loved my flowers. I loved buying myself flowers. But, I can tell you. Even the strongest, fiercest, most independent women, enjoys receiving flowers more than buying them herself.

It’s a little bit like joy and happiness. We can manufacture happiness with lots of things and people in this world. A new car. A cool midtown apartment. The most likes on Instagram. A new romantic relationship. But, just like the self-bought flowers, there is an expiration date.

Our happiness can only last so long, when we create it ourselves. Then, it’s in the trash and quickly replaced with the next thing we believe might bring us more permanent happiness.

But, the joy we receive from the Lord? Girl, that’s better than a room full of the finest flowers. Because joy is a gift no one can give. It can only come from living in the peace and strength of God.

This joy does not have an expiration date. In fact, this joy only increases the closer we walk in step with God. This joy isn’t lost when you lose your dream job, your car, your boyfriend or all of your followers on Instagram. Because it’s not dependent on people or things, ONLY the overwhelming love of God. God's love which has no end and manifested with the sacrifice and resurrection of our Savior. The joy that is constantly and consistently based on the promises we know are ours, from His word!

The Bible talks about “joy” 168 times (KJV). Clearly, God wants us to pay attention to what He has called joy. Unfortunately, Christians walking around with abundant joy in churches, families, careers or the local coffee shop doesn’t feel like a familiar scene does it? Why is that?

We have become too caught up in the world’s manufactured idea of happiness. Not the self-sustaining joy of the Lord. Ask yourself...

How many minutes did you spend scrolling through Instagram?

Is it more than what have you spent reading your Bible?

How many texts have you sent today?

Is it more than your prayers with God today?

How many lines can you quote from your favorite tv show?

Is it more than scripture you have memorized?

Who feels guilty after answering these questions? Don’t worry, I’m raising my hand too!

If I feel as if I’m lacking and discontent, doing a quick assessment always puts things back into perspective. It doesn’t take long for me to figure out if I’m seeking temporary happiness or the joy of the Lord.

Are you simply looking for flowers? Or seeking He who created those flowers? Joy always bursts abundantly with the latter. Take a quick look around and prune out those areas that you are filling up with temporary to make room for that which is permanent. And who doesn’t want to live in everlasting joy?

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.



Allison is a single mom, who homeschools her son and works full time for a wedding website company. She and her son live near Sacramento, where they can be found making an adventure out of everyday life. Whether they are exploring a local zoo or their backyard, Allison is intentional to make the little things in life as magical as possible.

She is a survivor of domestic violence and a Certified Advocate for Victims of Abuse. She uses social media and her blog to educate and empower women to find freedom and healing in Christ. Allison’s heart is to create for victims/survivors of abuse, what she wished she had when she left her abusive marriage. Her desire is for women in trauma to understand that they are loved, they are not alone and God has a plan for their life.

Find her encouraging women on Instagram @hope_in_healing and her blog.