The Inspire Shop

A creative sensory experience curated with biblical teaching + neuroscience to renew the mind and spirit, while physically calming the body.

Switching Roles and Expectations // Season 2, Episode 3

tiffany garza
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Expectations and roles changes have occurred in homes everywhere - from who is helping with distance learning to who is leaving the house for work this year, so this week we talk about creating a home that is functional and well run while navigating these changes. We share about what that looked like for us and how we made big changes to our home dynamics in January.

A few takeaways:

  • Recognizing the role you play in your marriage and family

  • Taking time to list personal expectations for yourself and your spouse, then asking: Are these realistic in this season?

  • Are there any expectations you need to let go of that are causing division in your marriage?

  • Happy couples know they owe each other everything but expect nothing in return. - Andy Stanley.

  • Talk to your children about the changes, do not assume they understand or know the why

Links Mentioned:

  • The intro video to this but the whole sermon is great:

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